With effect from 1 February 2019, the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Singapore will require documentation of diphtheria and measles vaccination to be submitted by foreign-born children as a prerequisite for the application of long-term immigration passes in Singapore.

Foreign-born children aged 12 years old and below, who are applying for the Dependant’s Pass (DP) or Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) issued by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), and the Student’s Pass (STP) issued by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), are required to submit documented proof of vaccination or evidence of immunity for diphtheria and measles to the Health Promotion Board (HPB) for verification. They will have to do so before they proceed with their applications to MOM or ICA for long-term stay in Singapore. Existing pass holders will not be subject to the requirements when renewing their pass or applying for a new pass.
